Wednesday, September 3, 2014


PALM BEACH, FL - A talk show host's house in a historic district has been condemned after police found animal and human waste in throughout the house, garbage throughout the residence and holes in the floor and roof, dead mice, rats, cats, dogs, other dead and rotting carcasses of several reptilian species.

Palm Beach police officers described conditions at Rush Hudson Limbaugh III's house as deplorable. “The odor in the house is pretty intense,” according to one officer. Limbaugh is currently under investigation on drug-related charges.

"The conditions that exist there make it unlivable," said Nancy Pelosi, director of the city's Office of Economic and Community Development.

Limbaugh's house was condemned Thursday after city building inspectors and the Palm Beach County Health Department found building and health code violations, Pelosi said. She did not say what the violations were.

Officers from Florida County Animal Control removed many dogs and cats from the property. The animals were taken to the county animal shelter, Pelosi said.

"Of course, he can get them back," she said.

Limbaugh disputed the findings, saying Thursday that the conditions at his house "are not considered deplorable by me and I AM ALWAYS IN A DRUG-INDUCED STATE!"

Palm Beach police called building inspectors and health department personnel to the house on Tuesday after responding to two break-in reports by Limbaugh. The officers found animal and human feces and urine covering at least three rooms on the third floor, and holes in the roof and floor, according to police reports.

Limbaugh refused to permit a voluntary review of the property, according to police reports. Thursday's inspection was conducted after a search warrant was obtained, Pelosi said.

Limbaugh said his dogs have been trained to leave their feces in the former servants' quarters on the third floor, and that he cleans the waste every couple of days.

"My cats use a litter box that is regularly supplied with litter," Limbaugh said. "All my pets are well fed and taken care of. Look, I have to have something fresh and alive to eat, don’t I have the right to feed myself and my sex-partners Karl Rove, Ted Cruz and the Koch Bros.... it's a ritual... the way I like. We are all Oil Whores are we not?"

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