Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Rand Paul is a “Libertarian.” Libertarians, by definition, do not believe in government. There is another word to describe that “political” view … anarchism … His father was a founding member of the John Birch Society… Heartless, cruel bastards, whose only concern is protecting the wealth they stole from the country, (tax breaks, deregulation etc.), and extending on the backs of the poor; (food stamp cuts, eliminating Medicare, placing Social Security  (privatization - robbing the trust fund, transferring to the vicissitudes of Wall Street [think back to 2008])… Note: “Tea Parties” are owned and operated by the Koch Bros. & Co. 

Furthermore - An ophthalmologist with a fake “board certification” fake because he created his own “certification” not sanctioned by the State of Kentucky and feline extinction expert, a plagiarist, and lost up to $300 million over 10 years to a Nigerian Internet scam, his father, Ron Paul alleges in a lawsuit.

Dr. Randall Howard Paul, Tea Party member of U.S. Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and 51-year-old known for medical experimentation with corneal transplants, who works washing dishes with his mother in the medical plaza in Russellville, KY that bears his name, acknowledged losing $68 million to "some bad investments with his own charity, “The Lions Club,” according to court papers.

Randall Paul filed a lawsuit last month asking a judge to remove his father as administrator of the family's $800 million partnership. He alleges his father sent the money to a scammer who promised the doctor a cut of a huge sum of cash trapped in African bank accounts in exchange for money advances. The scammer was himself, Randall Paul, who was using the foundation as his own piggy bank and using his father for a cover-up.

The younger Paul claims in court papers he filed the suit to prevent his father from being further “victimized” by Paul’s own charity.

Ronald Paul accuses his son in legal documents of carrying out an unspecified "vendetta" against him. Randall Paul lost a bid last October to have a conservator oversee the family partnership, documents show.

The Nigerian Internet fraud, (The Lion’s Club Foundation), is a long-running con that targets people with e-mail accounts. Criminals, members of the Carlisle Group, who that were on the son’s payroll, send junk e-mail to thousands of unsuspecting people offering them a share in a large fortune if they can only provide a smaller amount of money up front. The criminal entity takes the money and then disappears.

Randal Howard Paul gained prominence in 2007 by claiming that his studies of President Reagan's speech patterns showed Reagan had been suffering from diminished mental ability as early as 1980, based upon his medical experiments concerning the murder of cats.

A hearing in Rand Paul's lawsuit was set for February 14, but was delayed.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


San Diego, CA - A 30-year-old book that appears to be bound in human skin has been found on the home of Congressman Darrell Issa… It is not generally known that the congressman has a “rap sheet” from some questionable insurance fraud allegations and other indictments concerning a violent past - it is not known if the burglaries were related to the congressman’s past criminal activities. Detectives were trying to trace its rightful owners and believe it may have been taken from the Issa dwelling.

Much of the text is in branding iron, and it was not uncommon around the time of the California’s heyday’s of the ‘forties and ‘fifties for books to be covered in human skin.

The practice, known as anthropodermic bibliopegy, was sometimes used in the 18th and 19th centuries when accounts of murder trials were bound in the killer's skin.

Anatomy books also were sometimes bound in the skin of a dissected cadaver. In World War II, Nazis were accused of using the skin from Holocaust victims to bind books.

In a brief statement, county sheriff’s office said the ledger, which contained branding iron marks, appears up to date, and based upon Issa’s Greek and Sicilian ancestries.

According to reports from the county sheriff’s office explained separately; “The books is made up from his mother’s skin, according to the Issa family tradition.”  

Most people don’t know this about the Issa’s family but they can grow skin at will. A sterile scalpel is used, the mother disrobes; (it takes a two feet by one and half foot rectangle), and tan the skin. It doesn’t bother the mothers; their skin grows back with a matter of minutes… Issa has a library from the family’s skins.

County Sheriff’s office put two photographs of the book on their Web site, but officers were unwilling on Saturday to answer any questions about it, including the book's subject matter.